v2.15.1 🎉 - October 19, 2023


  • Fixed issue with list pages crashing occasionally.
v2.15.0 🎉 - October 18, 2023


  • Customizable columns in lists which empower you to choose the data you want to see. You can also save these configurations in your views for easy access, enhancing efficiency and flexibility in your data management.


  • Fixed the marking of “Completed date” on letters.
  • Fixed the issue with searching in the user dropdown.
  • Fixed an issue with dashlets where changing their source to a different module caused an error.
  • Disabled the ability to change existing dashlet types, which was causing unwanted behavior. For now, you can create a new dashlet with the desired type.
v2.14.2 🎉 - October 13, 2023


  • Fixed an issue with displaying archived users in certain views.
v2.14.1 🎉 - October 12, 2023


  • Fixed an issue with searching in filters.
v2.14.0 🎉 - October 11, 2023


  • The body field of existing letters can now be edited, as long as they have been added to Mailabl manually. If you added it via the Outlook add-in, further changes are not possible.
  • Archived users are now displayed in entries to which they were previously related. Additionally, you can select archived users in filters.
  • The value dropdown in filters now support searching, making it easier to find items in longer lists.
  • You can now click on the dashlet’s title to navigate to the associated saved view.


  • We’ve added translations to country names.
v2.12.2 🎉 - September 21, 2023


  • Fixed an issue with settings pages occasionally showing previous list page information.
  • Added pricing information to access tokens page.
v2.12.1 🎉 - September 16, 2023


  • Fixed an issue with creating new statuses.
v2.12.0 🎉 - September 15, 2023


  • Added an option to specify a default status when creating new entries.
  • Added an easier way to authenticate machine-to-machine requests by using long-lived access tokens. No more messing around with refreshing expired tokens.

    Read more about authenticating your requests on our Dev Center.

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