v3.12.3 🎉 - June 29, 2024


  • We’ve made some minor tweaks for a better experience. Enjoy!
v3.12.2 🎉 - June 27, 2024


  • Don’t mind us - just making a few small adjustments to keep the application in tip-top shape.
v3.12.0 🎉 - June 21, 2024


Multiple Entity Selection in Pickers
We’ve introduced a new feature that allows you to select multiple entities in pickers without the picker closing between selections. This improvement streamlines your workflow, making it faster and more convenient to select multiple items.

v3.11.4 🎉 - June 20, 2024


  • We’ve made some minor tweaks for a better experience. Enjoy!
v3.11.3 🎉 - June 19, 2024


  • Don’t mind us - just making a few small adjustments to keep the product in tip-top shape.
v3.11.0 🎉 - June 12, 2024


  • Tags with Submissions
    You can now enhance your submissions by adding tags, making it easier to categorize, search, and organize your content efficiently.

  • “Save and Open”
    In the create view, when creating an element from another entity, we’ve introduced a “Save and Open” button. This allows you to open the newly created element immediately after creation, streamlining your workflow and saving valuable time.

  • Autosize support for main fields
    The main field in create views now supports autosizing, expanding up to 3 rows as needed. This improvement ensures better visibility and usability when entering longer text inputs.


  • Minor improvements regarding duplication.
v3.10.0 🎉 - June 08, 2024


  • You can now also copy members when creating a new related entry.

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